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Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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Parliament, the, High Court of, de­grades a knight, 145
pas, ? 33 (9)
passing bell, a knell, the bell which rings at the hour of death to call for prayers for the passing soul, 185, 228 (19)
patcht faces, scarred or pimpled, 246 (10)
patents, under James I, holders of, attack on, 144
peace between Sweden and Denmark in 1613,44
pedlar, the pack of a, 116; tricks of, exposed, 36 (19)
Peele, George, 66, 132
pelfe, treasure, possessions, 230 (3),
305 (3)> 309 (0» e.tc-
Pellham, Edward, his pamphlet on
Greenland, 386 Pendleton, Ellen, alias Flodder, 54 Pennington, Sir John, 455, 457 (4) pent, penned, imprisoned, 260 (13 f.) pepper my box, to, punish severely,
trounce, 245 (8) Pepys, Samuel, comments on the 365
children, 124 Percy, Bishop Thomas, ballad MS.
of, 49, 170, 173 petty treason discussed, 299 petuously, variant of piteously, 214 (9) phifes, fifes, 75 (12) pick-thanks, flatterers, sycophants, 183
(18) Picthatch, enforced habitation of har­lots, 220 (13) Pie-corner, London, 407 (6) pies, cries of sellers of, 33 (11) piece, a, coin, 359 (14) Pierce Plowman, generic term, 316 pig-faced lady, the, 449 pigs nye, pig's eye, 454 (10); as a
term of affection, 'dear,' 'darling,'
453(5) pilgrim, a, 2 (1) Pilson, a bailiff, strange judgment
shown on, 96
pimps, procurers, 43 (15)
pin, being on a merry, in a merry humour, 382 (4); to — the basket, 207; to weigh it not a, 216 (14)
pinch, to, squeeze money from, ex­tort, 35 (17)
pinching as a punishment, 204 (12)
pinde, pined, made to suffer, 293 (1)
pinsers, pinchers, 445 (5)
pioneers, labourers, 162, 165 (21)
pippins, apples, 33 (10 f.)
pissle, pizzle, 440 (8)
Pittsburgh, case of a scold in, 72
place, in, present, 3 (7)
plague of pence, a, 149 (14)
Platte, T., ballad by, 84
play, to be in, in action (as of a wea­pon), 153 (10)
plays at Court in 1613, n, at the Inner Temple, 1612, 40; boatmen carry lasses to the, 32 (7); penalty on swearing in, 189. See actors, jigs, theatres
players, 1, 30, 35 (15)
playhouses, see theatres
pleace, plaice, 31 (2)
pleasant, pleasing, passim
pleasure, to, i.e. with amorous dal­liance, 9 (19)
ply the pot, to, drink steadily, 197 (11)
poets, threadbare, 34 (14)
points, tagged laces used in dress, 119
poisoning, instances of criminal, 299 f. poke, to, crimp with a poking stick,
198(15) poking stick, a, rod for stiffening the
plaits of ruffs, 117 (9) pole, the, poll, 408 (10) policy, sagacity, 389 (7) pomado, pomade, scented ointment,
118(10) pooch rings, pouch-rings, rings for
closing a pouch, 33 (9) Pope (Paul V), 57 (21), 106 (3);
(Urban VIII), 170 popery attacked, 54, 104, 170
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